Lattice AMA Recap
Recently, Shenzhen has begun to pilot the implementation of the DCEP central bank digital currency, this action has stabilized and stimulated the market to some extent. With the launch of Fil, the reduction of zerocoins at the end of this year may become the next hotspot. While the last hotspot, DeFi, is very likely to enter into a more in-depth pilot experiment stage with the emergence of next hotspot. Today, we will have AMA with Lattice, the most popular project during Defi’s in-depth pilot experiment, by greatly optimizing the decentralized transaction aggregator represented by Uniswap, Lattice will make online transactions more convenient and transparent.
Welcome to our AMA, Ben and Mathias, Would you please introduce yourself to the group members?
Ben: Hello! My name is Ben Jorgensen and I am a co-founder of Lattice and the Ceo of Constellation Network (DAG). I echo Mathias in thay this is a wild experience.. first time in QQ
Back in 2016 I was CRO (chief revenue officer) for a group called Exo Works — we provided Fortune 500 companies with a playbook for adopting new technologies (AR, VR, Blockchain, etc.) I learned a lot about blockchain technology from an advisory standpoint. Living in San Francisco, I had first hand access to people building great technologies. This is where I met the co-founders of Constellation. I was serving as an advisor to a bunch of (normal) tech companies and this introduced me to a whole new world of doers! That is when I REALLY learned about blockchain (sans crypto). Consulting on tech is one thing, it is another to build something great and see people use it. Over the last 5 years I have made radical investments across several industries and with different stage companies. This has allowed me to explore real opportunities that are the future and work with a-list and creative minds.
Mathias: So, I’m always looking for things at the frontier and what’s next. In that spirit I was looking for ways to transmit money globally without the delays and hurdles of legacy finance. I found BTC in an early forum in 2011 and got really excited. Watched the entire unfoldment since and got really excited when smart contracts were first presented — synchronistically that was when I was looking into global identity solutions — and now as Co-founder of Constellation and Lattice we are ushering in the third generation of Blockchain technologies centered around a new consensus algorithm and a mindblowingly different infrastructure logic — with tons of new applications and use cases.
Thanks Ben for your introduction. Here comes the first question of our AMA.
Q1: Lattice team proposes Constellation Hypergraph Transport Protocol (HGTP), could you give us more information about HGTP? What technology is it?
Ben:Constellation’s Network, Hypergraph, is a resilient decentralized network that is globally distributed and is built to cryptographically secure big data making this the first scalable cybersecurity solution for big data processing. Hypergraph is built using an architecture called DAG (directed acylic graph) and provides a base layer 1 protocol built to process complex data structures (vs. Etherium and simple numeric data structures). The Hypergraph is the largest distributed decentralized mainnet (nearly 45 nodes today and adding about 50 more in the next couple of months).
The Hypergraph is an ecosystem play (like an operating system) that will allow developers to use the HGTP (hypergraph transport protocol) to build robust applications and businesses that are interoperable with centralized data storage solutions, data management solutions, and other blockchains. The Hypergraph is governed by concurrent consensus mechanisms to a) validate blocks on the graph b) validate the global state of the network. This ensures speed and scalability. Lattice’s core functionality will be built on the Hypergraph leveraging the HGTP — for example, trade settlements, staking, deposit and withdrawals, and complex AMM’s will be supported here.
The Constellation Hypergraph is a novel mainnet technology that features high throughput as well as economic and technological scalability. That means our infrastrcuture is meant to process high throughput and the throughput grows with the number of nodes on the network. We see it like a microsoft operating system. You have a powerful operating system as the foundation and now people want to see what you can do with such an operating system. So we are building lighthouse applications like Lattice to show what such an infrastructure can do. The same way Microsoft built excel, word and access as foundational pieces on top of their windows operating system. We anticipate that people will be starting to build their own solutions on the Hypergraph soon when they discover that they can scale their business model much easier than on ethereum and that they can integrate blockchain technology extremely easy into existing frameworks.
Thus as developer and user adoption are the goal for the Hypergraph and Lattice we expect another wave of applications and token raises on the Hypergraph. Scalability is not just about the technological progress, but the economical, social, and operational aspects as well: it needs to incentivize multiple layers, be easy to procure and consumer, and work with a multitude of use cases.
Q2: HGTP is based on Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) which was brilliant in public chain wars, what we can expect when bringing DAG technology into the DeFi ecosystem?
Ben: DAG was a hot topic in the chain wars as you mentioned. But many realized that it is not that easy to build real consensus on a DAG network without compromising on speed or decentralization. We have succeeded in building a fully functioning DAG protocol with 45 globally distributed node operators. We are integrated with Kucoin and a fully decentralized governance board is running the tech governance.
Our infrastructure has been built from the ground up with a reputation based consensus. DAG achieves scalability and easy developer adoption and integration into existing systems. Because of that the US Airforce and multiple other branches of the department of defense are collaborating with Constellation on data veracity and secure messaging solutions based on blockchain technology. Fortune 500 companies like Splunk, Mongo DB and Price Waterhouse Coopers are working on POCs and integration roadmaps with Constellation. On the Blockchain side we are partnering with Chainlink and Quant and we have close ties to several other projects in the industry.
Our aim is to evolve Oracalization of data and introduce new data sets to the financial services industry. This is what HGTP was built for — to oracalize data.
Q3: What is the current development progress of Lattice project? Has the development process verified that HGTP can greatly increase the transaction speed on the chain as stated in the white paper?
Mathias: We are in the last few weeks of deploying our MVP (and Phase 1) — we are very close to getting this out the door and in the hands of Lattice followers. This is a rather aggressive timeline, but we have a big vision to take this. In the first buildout step we will be based solely on the ethereum ecosystem. We will aggregate liquidity like 1inch and introduce our own pools.
In the beginning of November, we will provide an LTX Airdrop to holders of our Molly Wallet 2.0 (We will be releasing this in the next couple of weeks).
In phase 2 towards the end of this year we will introduce phase 2 with a cross-chain bridge to the erc-20 ecosystem and in Q1 2021 we will route trades through the Hypergraph to save on fees and increase speed.
In terms of speed, the acyclic nature of DAG accommodates for faster tx speeds and you can test it for yourself when you send transactions between our wallets. It’s really fast. We have published a video on our twitter a while back showcasing the speed.
Q4: Besides Constellation Hypergraph Transport Protocol (HGTP), are there other solutions that can increase transaction speed and solve the current AMM problems? What is the difference between them and HGTP? What are the characteristics of HGTP and these solutions?
Ben: We have chosen to go with an AMM approach and the Hypergraph. Serum uses an on-chain order book and a different architecture to solve for speed and exchange solutions on the blockchain. Their proof of time approach is quite clever as well but is technically very different from the Hypergraph consensus. We focus on proof of reputable observation on a DAG and they focus on proos of time. Other ecosystems like polkadot and their layers 2 solutions are not live yet. Which makes the HGTP a true contender in the main ecosystems of the industry.
Again, our goal was to solve the inefficiencies of mining operations with PoW, the scalability problems of synchronous chains as well as the severe limitations of the ethereum EVM and solidity — to allow every developer to integrate a DAG blockchain solution into existing infrastructures with well known programming languages. Our partnerships with the federal government, the military and several fortune 500 companies show that there is a real need for the HGTP and the operating system like aspects. It allows everyone to build on the HGTP.
Q5: The whitepaper says that Lattice adopts a a reputation based consensus mechanism. Could you tell us how this consensus mechanism works?
Mathias: That is based on the consensus of the Constellation Hypergraph. The consensus evaluates the bahavior of nodes and assigns a reputation score. A machine learning algorithm ensures a random delegate selection across the network to select delegates for consensus. Consensus is achieved on two layers: Close- neighbors gossip the their state between their peers which happens asynchronous across the network. However over time the the overall state of the network converges to a global state that reflects the consensus of the entire network. This global consensus is then put into a global snapshot. That way we combine the best of both world while maintaining speed and resource optimization.
Thanks Ben and Mathias for joining our AMA and sharing so much valuable information with us. Thank you all for watching this AMA. EncryptClub will work hard and bring more wonderful content for you in future.