LedgerScore — Defi生态中首个信用评级项目( The first credit rating project of DeFi ecosystem)

4 min readMay 31, 2021



Jay-EncryptClub (主持人):在今年早些时候,加密货币尤其是比特币被普遍视为对抗通胀的保值资产。虽然中本聪在设计他的时候就是这样打算的,但是由于其仍然处于早期发展期(相对目前传统抗通胀资产房产、黄金而言),它的价格波动幅度依然不被大多数人接受,所以近期出现了非常大幅度的价格回调。虽然最近不停被圈外人关心我们是否还“好”,大饼下跌对我们有多大影响。影响当然是有的但是我们已经在圈里经历了多少个暴跌暴涨了,这些变化已经完全不会影响我们坚信大饼将成为中本聪希望的抗通胀利器了。信念的种子已经埋下,它只会带领我们去更远更美好的地方。DeFi作为去中心化理念目前最大的应用,对于借贷信用的审核一直是大家头疼的问题,今天来到我们社群的ledgerscore就为这个问题提出了自己专业的解决方案。下面我们来一起了解下他们如何解决这个问题。

Earlier this year, cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin, were widely seen as a hedge against inflation.Although Nakamoto is in the design of his time is so intended, but because it is still in the early development period (relative to the current traditional anti-inflation assets property, gold), its price fluctuation is still not accepted by most people, so there has been a very large price correction recently.Despite recent concerns from outsiders about whether we’re “okay” or not, how much the fall in Bitcoin is affecting us.Of course there is, but we have experienced so many sharp jumps in the circle that these changes have not affected our belief that the pancake will become the anti-inflation tool that Satoshi Nakamoto hopes.A seed of faith has been sown, and it can only lead us to farther and better places.

Defi, as the largest application of decentralization concept, has always been a headache for everyone to review credit. LedgerScore came to our community today to propose its own professional solution for this problem.Let’s take a look at how they solved the problem.

Jay:今天,我们有幸邀请到 LedgerScore 项目的 CEO Nathan来到我们社群,为我们详细介绍 Ledger’Score 的创立初衷和对未来的展望。

Today, we are honored to have Nathan , the CEO of LedgerScore , with us, to introduce the origin and the future of the project to us in detail.


Jay:下面我有请Nathan 给大家打个招呼并做自我介绍。欢迎来到加密阁 Nathan ,你能给我们简单介绍一下你自己和这个项目吗?

Welcome to EncryptClub, Nathan ,Could you please give us a brief introduction to yourself and this project?

Nathan:Hello,I am Nathan Christian founder of LedgerScore


I am a top rated “People of Blockchain” since 2016


Blockchain accounting expert


LedgerScore is credit reporting for cryptocurrency.


Currently there is no way to gain creditworthiness from cryptocurrency,LedgerScore solves this problem



Thank you for your introduction,



What problem are you trying to solve with your idea or product?

Nathan:We are providing credit scoring to cryptocurrency transactions for business and individuals


Currently there is no way to verify your crypto assets, crypto loans, payments, or identification


We are providing credit scoring to cryptocurrency transactions for business and individuals




What is your solution to the problem?You can take this information to your local bank or to a defi lender

Nathan:Credit is a valuable part of any currency.The only way to gain a better loan interest rate or higher loan amounts is by having a credit score




Why did you pick this idea to work on? How do you know people need what you are making?

Nathan:Our platform gives credit verification.If cryptocurrency will ever reach adoption as a currency if must have credit


Nathan:There is an obvious need for establishing creditworthiness when using any currency. DeFi lending is exploding. The need to move past primitive collateralized lending is apparent. This can only be done with credit scoring and ID verification.


The need to bridge cryptocurrency over to traditional centralized lending is also apparent. LedgerScore’s credit reports can be used in verification of creditworthiness in cryptocurrency transactions with more traditional local lenders.


2021 World Economic Forum noted the need: “Incentives for people to receive aid in the form of stablecoin, such as the ability to build a credit history”




What are two use cases for your product?

Nathan:USECASE: Traditional Lending. Providing a LedgerScore Credit Report that verifies Cryptocurrency transactions can establish creditworthiness when applying for traditional Loans.

1. Your LedgerScore credit reporting can be taken to you local bank to prove crypto transactions and assets

2. Your LedgerScore credit reporting can be taken to DeFi lender to prove credit worthiness to gain a better rate and higher loans with less collateral

1. 您的LedgerScore信用报告可以带到您当地的银行,以证明加密交易和资产

2. 您的LedgerScore信用报告可以提供给DeFi贷款人,以证明信用价值,以获得更好的利率和更高的贷款较少的担保



Why do you need a cryptocurrency token besides fundraising for your project?

Nathan:The token works across the platform as a utility. It is used as a reward for customers and on the B2B side is the gateway of purchasing data from the site.


The token is a utility that allows companies to buy data direct from our data aggregator and in addition buy direct marketing campaign packages to target users.The platform users are incentivized to sign up and receive rewards shared equally between every user on the platform. Thus, providing liquidity to the token holders.Who doesn’t like free money!




Where and when is the IDO? What exchanges are you planning after the IDO?

Nathan:LedgerScore’s IDO is on the TrustSwap launchpad May 31st 2021. We will be on UniSwap June 5th 2021 and announcing other Exchanges shortly after that.




Thank you for your detailed and wonderful answers!Here comes the free QA session, we will choose some lucky questions for guest to reply.

Community Member1:有哪些机构投资了你们?
What investment funds have invested in you?


Community Member2:如何保护用户隐私?

How to protect the privacy of users?

Nathan:The platform used a self sovereign digital ID.You are the only one to hold permissions to your data and only you choose how much to share


Even an anonymous wallet can gain creditworthiness. You just must establish ownership


Community Member3:有哪些项目已经和你们达成合作了吗?

Are there any projects have reached cooperation with you?

Nathan:There is a long list waiting for our full platform release


Both in traditional world and DeFi


LedgerScore is the bridge between traditional finance and decentralized finance


Community Member4:能介绍下团队背景吗?

Can you introduce the background of the team?

Nathan:There are many factors the make up the score. It is similar to traditional credit


Community Member5:信用评级是基于什么维度进行的?

On what basis are credit ratings made?

Nathan:There are many factors the make up the score. It is similar to traditional credit.Key difference is our credit is real time history from the blockchain A dynamic credit score



Jay_Host of EncryptClub:感谢 Nathan 的精彩分享,再次感谢 Nathan 和大家在百忙之中抽出时间来参加加密阁中文社区的AMA,后续我们会引入更多重磅级嘉宾独立访谈,给大家带来更多更精彩的内容。

Thank Nathan for joining our AMA and sharing so much valuable information with us. Thank you all for watching this AMA. EncryptClub will work harder and bring more wonderful content for you in future.




Written by EncryptClub

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