7 min readJul 15, 2021

Spores Network-跨链DeFi驱动的NFT市场,定义去中心化的流行文化

Spores Network-A cross-chain DeFi-powered NFT marketplace defining decentralized pop culture


Jay-EncryptClub host:今年夏天比去年更加炎热却并没有让市场情绪热度超过去年。今早的杀跌也让前不久反弹带起的NFT热度再次被浇灭,很多人预测今年的行情将和18年一样完成本轮牛市的所有周期。但是这仅仅也只是预测,本轮牛市使得DeFi应用全面落地,也不是上一轮空中楼阁一般的ixo所能相提并论的。所以即便市场即将进入低波动周期,我们也不必担心,这些落地应用带来的稳定收益,同样能给我们带来意想不到的惊喜。今天来到我们社群的spores network团队是一个长期看好加密赛道NFT板块的优秀团队。他们在市场低迷情况下仍坚持开发,不断打磨Spores产品,成为近期即将上线项目中人气最旺的项目。接下来我们就进入今天的AMA直播环节来听听他们的声音。

今天,我们有幸邀请到SporesNetwork项目的执行主席 Duc Ngoc Luu 来到我们社群,为我们详细介绍Spores Network项目的创立初衷和对未来的展望。

This summer has been hotter than last year but it hasn’t made crypto market sentiment hotter than last year.

This morning’s selloff also took the “NFT” heat out of the recent market rally, with many predicting that this year, like 2018, would be the end of the bull market cycle.But that’s just a prediction, as the current bull market has brought Defi to the ground, and it’s not like IXO was a castle in the sky in the last cycle.So even if the market is about to enter a low volatility cycle, we don’t have to worry, these landed projects to bring steady returns, can also give us unexpected surprises.

The Spores Network team that comes to our community today is an excellent team that has long been optimistic about the NFT sector of crypto track.

Despite the downturn in the market, they still insist on development and constantly polish the Spores product, which has become the most popular project in the upcoming online project.

Let’s go to today’s AMA and listen to their voices.

Today, we are honored to have Duc Ngoc Luu , the Executive Chairman. of Spores Network with us, to introduce the origin and the future of Spores Network to us in details.


Jay:下面我有请Duc Ngoc Luu给大家打个招呼并做自我介绍。

Welcome to EncryptClub, Duc Ngoc Luu. Could you please introduce yourself to our community?

Duc Ngoc Luu:My name is Duc Luu, the Executive Chairman and Co-founder of Spores Network, Asia-premier NFT marketplace. Great to be here today with EncryptClub!

我叫Duc Luu,是亚洲顶级NFT市场Spores Network的执行主席和联合创始人。很高兴今天能和加密阁在一起!

I come from an edtech, proptech, and marketplace POV. I built and sold an Edtech startup in Hong Kong, sold it to Bain Capital Private Equity China and then took the parent company public on Nasdaq in 2017 for over $1 billion valuation. I spent the next two years as Chief Strategy Officer looking at Edtech M&A and incubation opportunities worldwide. The last two years I have moved back to my homeland of Vietnam to build the country. I served as COO of Propzy, a proptech play, where I helped raise $25 million from Softbank Ventures Asia, Gaw Capital, and Insignia Ventures. The company currently has over 20 stores in Vietnam. Soon I was poached by One Mount Group’s venture OneHousing to lead strategy and operations as COO, looking to scale another proptech play with backing by Vietnam’s top two billionaires of Real Estate and Banking. I am also a contributor writer for Vietcetera, TechinAsia, and keynote speaker in Edtech, Proptech, and now Crypto.

我来自教育科技,房地产科技和POV市场领域。我在香港创建并出售了一家教育科技初创公司,将其出售给贝恩资本中国私募股权投资公司(Bain Capital Private Equity China),然后于2017年将母公司在纳斯达克上市,估值超过10亿美元。在接下来的两年里,我担任首席战略官,研究全球教育科技并购和孵化机会。在过去的两年里,我搬回我的祖国越南去建设这个国家。我曾担任Propzy的首席运营官,在那里我帮助Softbank Ventures Asia、Gaw Capital和Insignia Ventures筹集了2500万美元。该公司目前在越南有20多家门店。不久,我就被One Mount Group的企业OneHousing挖走,担任首席运营官领导战略和运营,希望在越南房地产和银行业两大亿万富翁的支持下,扩大另一项房地产科技业务。我也是Vietcetera和TechinAsia的撰稿人,以及Edtech、Proptech和Crypto的主讲人。

My co-founder, Eric’s pretty badass himself…Eric’s background is in Investment and Trading, first working on the Trading Desk at the largest Japanese Investment Bank – Nomura in London, trading a book of over 300m USD of high yield and distressed credit for 5 years. Later, Eric moved to Elliot Management, one of the world largest hedge funds with over $70bn AUM where Eric was senior investment analyst overseeing a portfolio of over $2bn. Eric joined the cryptocurrency space in early 2017, and actively invested and advised in many early stage blockchain projects. He was poached by One Mount Group’s venture OneHousing, a venture created by Vietnam’s top two billionaires of Real Estate and Banking to create financial derivatives products for real estate in Vietnam.

我的联合创始人,埃里克是个爱搞事的人……埃里克的背景是投资和交易,他首先在伦敦最大的日本投资银行野村证券(Nomura)的交易台工作,5年来交易了3亿多美元的高收益和不良信贷。后来,埃里克转投埃利奥特管理公司(elliotmanagement),该公司是全球最大的对冲基金之一,资产管理规模超过700亿美元,埃里克是该公司的高级投资分析师,负责管理超过20亿美元的投资组合。Eric于2017年初加入加密货币领域,并积极投资和指导许多早期区块链项目。他被One Mount Group旗下的风险投资公司OneHousing挖走,该公司由越南房地产和银行业两大亿万富翁创建,旨在为越南房地产开发金融衍生品产品。

We met during our time working at the Proptech and decided that Blockchain and NFTs are our true passion and started Spores together.



Thank you for your introduction, here comes our AMA session.


Q1:Spores Network 认为目前NFTs市场处于什么样的一个发展阶段?发起Spores Network是为了解决当下市场中哪些迫在眉睫的问题呢?

Q1:What is the development stage of NFTS market in the opinion of Spores Network? What are some of the most pressing issues in today’s market that the Spores Network was launched to address?

Duc Ngoc Luu:I think the most important part of the cryptocurrency industry is security. Many security issues will arise over time, we’re dedicated to protecting our community against hacking and other fraud. We of course go through a code audit before IDO, and plan to make fraud & risk a primary concern. The last two marketplaces I was COO for, I personally ran the fraud and risk team and designed the governance mechanisms to seek, fix, and prevent such detrimental behavior.




Q2:经常有朋友在讨论,对于包含NFTs特色的DeFi类综合平台的初期发展和早期治理,是选择BSC链作为启动链更合适还是ETH链。虽然两者各有特点经典项目也层出不穷,但毕竟是不同选择,Spores Network能分享下自己的看法么?

Q2:Some friends often discuss whether it is more appropriate to choose the BSC chain as the starting chain or the ETH chain for the initial development and early governance of the DeFi comprehensive platform with NFTs features.Although the two have their own characteristics and classic projects emerge in an endless stream, they are different choices after all. Can Spores Network share their own views?

Duc Ngoc Luu:For those with a diverse portfolio, Spores is an excellent option. The company’s goal of interoperability across all blockchain has the potential to make it one of the most valuable crypto assets in existence today.

For those who have invested in multiple cryptocurrencies and are looking for somewhere safe to store them, there may be no better place than on smart chains that partner with Spores. The company strives not only still being able communicate information between different blockchains but also offers users both transparency as well as privacy.





Q3:在Spores Network之前市场就已经诞生了一批优秀的NFTs平台,相较于这些项目Spores Network有什么优势和特点呢?

Q3:A number of excellent NFTs platforms have been born in the market before the Spores Network. Compared with these projects, what are the advantages and characteristics of the Spores Network?

Duc Ngoc Luu:First, like any startup the team is the key, our team bring a unique mix of entrepreneurship with experience of years of building marketplace mix with High-Finance experience, our co-founders have track records of being amongst the best in their own field, together we bring an unique set of skills for the NFT, Defi and marketplace business that Spores is building.

Second, we believe that content is king, our strengths come from our business network that enables us to bring large mainstream IP to our platform. Especially from the NFT side, content like digital art, gaming, animation, celebrity, and e-sports are fertile ground that NFTs haven’t really scratched the surface yet. We expect to launch a venture fund dedicated to NFT + DeFi projects, including blockchain game publishing, that can expand the reach of its ecosystem.

Third, full stack platform with NFT marketplace, Defi component, cross-chain interoperability, there isn’t a platform that provides that full-stack of services yet.”






Q4:处于DeFi后时代的项目不仅应该改进之前类似项目出现的问题,还应该为接下来新热潮做准备,Spores Network今年下半年的发展计划是什么?预计市场会对这些计划有什么样的反馈呢?

Q4:Projects in the post-DeFi era should not only fix the problems of previous similar projects, but also prepare for the next wave. What is the development plan for Spores Network in the second half of this year?What is the expected market reaction to these plans?

Duc Ngoc Luu:In the second half of the year, we focus on launching “Asia’s premier NFT Marketplace” curating content from countries like Vietnam, China, Korea, Japan, and more.

Notable Milestones:

  • MVP Alpha (UI/UX): Spores have already completed its system architecture design, user flow, and part of the UI.
  • MVP Beta (Public): in development – projected to release on 8 August 2021.
  • Blue Chip Investors signed/project oversubscribed/funded within 2 weeks”

We do look forward to receiving warm welcome and support from the community.



-MVP Alpha(UI/UX):Spores已经完成了系统架构设计、用户流和部分UI。




NFT作品. 创作者的灵感


Q5:众所周知NFTs是一个已经出圈的概念,比如前段时间支付宝链上的飞天、刺客567 NFT皮肤拍卖一度被大家关注热议。那么Spores Network的NFTs版块会诞生什么样的作品?平台将如何激励这些NFTs创作者的灵感呢?

Q5:It is well known that NFTS is a concept that has grown into the mainstream. For example, the NFT skin auction of “Flying Apparatuses” and “Hitman 567" on Alipay chain was once a hot topic.Then what kind of works will come out of the NFTS section of Spores Network?How will the platform inspire these NFTS creators?

Duc Ngoc Luu:Spores is a cross-chain DeFi-powered NFT marketplace defining decentralized pop culture

It chooses to be primarily Asian-centric and is willing to focus on and promote industries with heavy Asian participation such as:

1. Digital Fine Art – we are bringing back elements of the gallery experience and focusing on upper-midend to high end price points. Our curated artists will have had solid reputation in the digital art or commercial art world.

2. Gaming – we want to be the number one marketplace for in-game items and digital art for blockchain and traditional games, where gamers of all games can trade their collectibles.

3. Animation/Anime – we are huge fans of animation and anime and look to work with legends and top animators to NFT publish their archives, new work, or even commission work/projects that Spores will own and self-publish.

4. Celebrity – Film/TV/Music are a culture intersection that NFTs will revolutionize. We will work with celebrities, influencers, musicians, movie studios and music publishers to NFT archival music as well as the newest releases. Hollywood, Bollywood, China Media, K-Pop, we’re all in.

5. e-Sports – We believe that e-sports is hottest new arena of sports and we’re excited to support stars and team in this field through special NFT collaborations as well as sponsorships of new blockchain games.



1.数字艺术 – —我们正在回归画廊体验的元素,并专注于中高端到高端的价格点。我们的策展艺术家将在数字艺术或商业艺术世界中拥有稳固的声誉。

2.游戏 – —我们希望成为区块链和传统游戏的游戏内物品和数字艺术的头号市场,在这里所有游戏的玩家都可以交易他们的收藏品。

3.动画/漫画 – —我们是动画和漫画的超级粉丝,期待与传奇和顶级动画师合作,以NFT形式发布他们的作品集,新作品,甚至委托Spores拥有和独立发行的作品/项目。




Jay:感谢Duc Ngoc Luu的精彩分享,再次感谢大家在百忙之中抽出时间来参加加密阁中文社区的AMA,后续我们会引入更多重磅级嘉宾独立访谈,给大家带来更多更精彩的内容。

Thank Duc Ngoc Luu for joining our AMA and sharing so much valuable information with us. Thank you all for watching this AMA. EncryptClub will work harder and bring more wonderful content for you in future.


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