Statement on Listing Founder of Compound on KOL Recommendation Aggregator

2 min readSep 7, 2020


On Sept 7th, Leshner, founder of the well-known DeFi project Compound, retweeted EncryptClub’s “KOL Recommendation Aggregator”with a comment as “I’ve literally never heard of the asset the below tweet has next to my name”.

As Leshner’s behavior has caused considerable controversy in cryptocurrency communities, EncryptClub makes relevant statement below:

Editor of EncryptClub listed Leshner as KOL of BOT on its “KOL Recommendation Aggregator”on Sept 7th for the following reasons:

1、Compound strategy lead, Calvin Liu, is a senior member of BOT government team possessing significant rights like joint management of project funds and multi-signatures of BOT, and has retweeted BoT’s appointment. As Leshner is the direct leader of Calvin and has followed the later in Twitter, EncryptClub Editor doesn’t think Leshner has “never heard of this asset”.

2、As a top decentralized auction platform, BOT’s government members include the top DeFi projects and capitals like founder of Synthetix — Kain Warwick, founder of Aave — Stani Kulechov, Chief Strategy Officer of Balancer — George Lambeth, founder of Boxmining — Michael Gu, 1inch Nikita Ovchinnik, ParaFi Capital、Blockchain Capital, etc. EncryptClub editor thinks Calvin Liu’s corporation with BOT is an institutional behaviour instead of a pure individual one, so we write BOT’s KOL as Leshner because he is the representative of the institution.

After Leshner’s retweeting, EncryptClub communicated with Leshner immediately and explained the case patiently, and we have agreed to change the KOL from “Leshner Compound Founder” to “Calvin Liu Compound strategy lead”because of our respect to the industry pioneers. Regarding Leshner’s requirements like“apologizing” and “changing the KOL to other institution”, we don’t think they are reasonable and we dissent.

We appreciate your great support on EncryptClub.

EncryptClub Team

Sept, 7th, 2020

Relevant snapshots:

  1. Leshner retweeted EncryptClub’s KOL Recommendation Aggregator

2. Calvin Liu retweeted BOT appointment

3. Leshner and Calvin Liu follows each other on twitter




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